Friday, August 24, 2012

Funky French Nails


I'm not really big on doing my nails, but I was ridiculously bored and decided to do them.  I didn't really feel like having plain jane nails so I racked my brain for something to do.  When I say racking my brain, I really mean searching on Pinterest.  :)

I came across a bunch of different ideas but didn't really like any of them too much.  Either they seemed too complicated or they just weren't for me.

Then, it happened!  An idea!  It felt like a light bulb going on in my head.  FUNKY FRENCH!  It was a simple enough idea and I had everything I needed so I just went for it.

Here's a tutorial for those of you who'd like to give this a try.

Funky French Nails:
Step One - Gather everything you need.  You'll need:  Two colors of nail polish, scotch tape, clean nails and funky scissors.  My pair of scissors are called 'Paper Shapers' and you can find them in any craft store.

Step Two - Paint your nails with your base color and allow to completely dry.  (You'll see why in a little bit.)  The color I used is Essie 'Haute as Hello'.

Step Three - Cut out strips of scotch tape with the scissors.

Step Four - Place the tape you cut out on top of your base coat then paint the tip of your nail with your second nail polish color.  I used white.  Before you do this make sure your base color is completely dry or else you'll ruin your nail like I did.

Step Five - Repeat the process until you finish all of your nails.  I'm pretty happy with my outcome.  I'm going to make sure the house isn't so humid next time.  It took my nails forever to dry and I messed up a few of them.

Happy painting.


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